Ram and Sita: a timeless love story returns to the stage

Yukta Ishwarlall and Shamik Panday as Sita and Ram.

Yukta Ishwarlall and Shamik Panday as Sita and Ram.

Published Dec 7, 2024


THE story of Ram and Sita by producer Kamal H Panday and his wife, director Vanita Maharaj, will return to the stage after 15 years.

The production, Ram and Sita - An Eternal Love Story, will be staged at the iZulu Theatre at Sibaya today and tomorrow.

"We initially staged this timeless epic at the iZulu Theatre at Sibaya in 2009 and at the same venue in June this year. Three months later, it was staged at the Theatre of Marcellus at the Emperors Palace in Johannesburg. Both were sold-out and had standing ovations. We will bring back this production this weekend due to popular demand," said Maharaj.

He said Ram and Sita - An Eternal Love Story was a breathtaking journey through love, trials and triumphs.

"It looks at the epic love story of Ram and Sita based on an ancient true story. There have been some adjustments to the script as we revamped the production. Patrons can expect stunning choreography and superb drama. There will also be vibrant costumes from Bali, Rajasthan and South Africa. "

Maharaj, who co-wrote the script with his wife, said the 2 hour 30 minute show comprised 70 actors.

Ram will be played by Shamik Panday and Sita by Yukta Ishwarlall.

Last year, they staged the comedy Life is a Tamasha and prior to that, the wedding production Meri Shaadi Ki Wedding Biryani.

Maharaj, the provincial coordinator for Eastern languages in the KwaZulu-Natal Department of Education, and the CEO of Vishwa Shakti, a socio-cultural educational organisation, said they placed passion before profit.

"We do what we do for the love of the performing arts. After we pay our service providers, any profit left over is directed to the next production or youth development initiatives. The youth in the cast will soon converge at the Drakensberg for a five day leadership camp. They will get a 50% discount and those who cannot afford it will be free."


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